Adult Occupational Therapy

  • Feeling overwhelmed or unable to catch up

  • Experiencing chronic pain or fatigue

  • Becoming emotionally reactive to situations that feel overwhelming 

  • Feeling like your body is heavy & lethargic

  • Trouble sitting still, frequently changing positions

  • Struggling to understand and support your child’s big emotions and challenging behaviors

  • Living in survival mode

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

Does this sound like you?

  • Difficulty tolerating smells, certain tastes, textures, lights, sounds

  • Overwhelmed by crowded places

  • Accident prone/clumsiness

  • Decreased decision making and problem solving skills

  • Poor attention and focus

  • Not feeling like yourself

  • Difficulty managing daily self care and home management

When stress, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed impact your participation in daily activities, it’s important to develop strategies for how to connect with one’s inner power for healing. Integrated You offers embodied self-regulation techniques,  somatic therapeutic interventions, and tools to reclaim your ability to be present and engaged. Integrated You guides adults to reconnect their minds and bodies in order to decrease resistance, and help them to utilize their energy for the things that matter most to them. We facilitate developing routines that inspire a deeper connection with their life’s narrative and desires. Each unique life path presents obstacles, and we guide individuals to navigate their journey with awareness, curiosity, and self compassion.

Integrated You will work with you to develop occupational therapy goals that are informed by your life situations and needs so that you can improve your overall health and quality of life. We do this by assessing your daily patterns and routines to help you find approaches that work for you instead of against you, we identify nervous system, sensory, and emotion regulation strategies that resonate with your system, and we utilize modalities that help you feel at peace in your own body and mind to enable you to participate in the life you want as an embodied person.

Together we will create a unique treatment plan specific to your needs and goals so that over time you will have the necessary resources to thrive at work, in relationships, and in daily life.

What is the benefit of Adult OT?

“Katie is a patient and empathetic listener. She has useful insights because she has seen so many children with autism and their families. Katie is very knowledgeable and not bound by convention. She thinks outside the box to find the best ways to help her patients.” -D.A.

Some of the modalities we use for your personalized holistic treatment plan

Embodiment - It is easy to become disconnected from your body when listening to the demands of life. We are often trained to ignore internal sensations and body signals so we can follow the rules of school, work, and society. We use science based mindfulness and grounding exercises, dance/movement, visualizations, and self compassion practices to help you connect with your body sensations and connect them with your thoughts and actions.

Massage and Bodywork - Somatic (body) therapy relieves emotional and bodily stress which has become trapped within the autonomic nervous system and tissues. Massage and somatic techniques facilitate embodiment, grounding, resilience, increasing capacity for exploring awareness of internal states, regulating activation in the system, stress reduction, and pain management. We offer a variety of massage techniques, stretching, active engagement exercises, and myofascial release to support long lasting results.

Craniosacral Therapy- is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity. CST is a gentle practice that focuses on releasing restrictions to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in order to balance the body's nervous system.

Sensory Integration & Wellness- Sensory integration refers to the  processes in the brain that allow us to take the signals from our senses, make sense of those signals and respond appropriately. In adults and children chronic stress and trauma responses can alter and impede the integration and processing of sensory information. Our strategies include using touch, smell, taste, sight and movement to reduce and regulate your stress response to enhance your ability to engage in daily activities.  We guide our adult clients in finding safe and comfortable ways to regulate their nervous systems and processing sensory information using their body’s innate wisdom.

Safe and Sound Protocol - The SSP is a research-based, non-invasive application of Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Steven Porges. It is an integrative listening therapy showing significant results in helping lessen social and emotional difficulties, auditory sensitivities, anxiety and trauma related challenges, inattention, stressors that impact social engagement, internal agitation, irritability, and reactivity, and physical conditions exacerbated by stress. The SSP is designed to help your body shift out of your nervous system’s survival mechanism and orient towards healing, expanding your “window of tolerance” and resilience.

Family Education - We offer the ability to view your family situation through a new lens and better understand your family dynamic in order to make empowered shifts to parenting approaches. When parents are able to find a regulated state, it greatly impacts the ability for everyone to connect in harmonious and adaptive ways. We work with parents to model embodiment by connecting their emotions with sensation and creating a supportive language at home around feelings.

Breathwork - “Breathing is the key that unlocks the whole catalog of advanced biological functions and development. Is it any wonder that it is so central to every aspect of health? Breathing is the first place, not the last place, one should look when fatigue, disease, or other evidence of disordered energy presents itself. Breathing is truly the body’s most fundamental communication system.” Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, Ph.D. We help you reconnect to your breath, listen to your body’s communications through breathing patterns, coach you in how to utilize your breath to shift your nervous system states, and manage stress and pain responses.

Regulation & Resilience Training - Exercises and breathing techniques developed using the latest research in neuroscience that activate pathways in the brain and body to naturally restore and maintain physical and emotional balance. These improve health, mood, clarity of thinking, quality of sleep, feeling more calm and relaxed, strengthen your immunity, more ease in transitioning from one task to another, navigating new environments, engaging with new people, and experiencing more flexibility and adaptability when faced with stressful situations.

What if cultivating a safe environment, safe presence and safe connection in your own body was the most powerful impactful work you could do for the world?

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.